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Coffee in the best way

Coffee. Taste the word. And tink about how many cups of coffee you drink per day. Coffee is a big part of our lives.


At our café you can enjoy a good cup of coffee made from coffee beans roasted in Kvarsebo. We offer both coffee and homemade bread and buns. You enjoy the goodies at our quiet and sunny outdoor terrace or order coffee beans for home delivery.


Who drinks the most coffee?

We started Qvarsebo Kaffe in the spring of 2016 because we love coffee. Many of us do. Sweden is in second place in the world when it comes to coffee drinking. We consume about 9 kg of coffee per person per year in Sweden. We want all the coffee consumed in Sweden to be coffee of the highest quality.


Specialty coffee for you

With our café and coffee roastery, we work to introduce specialty coffee to the people. We roast our coffee in a Diedrich roast according to the slow-roast method so that the beans can slowly develop their taste. At Qvarsebo Kaffe you'll find coffee beans, ground coffee, beer with coffee flavor, and much more. We want to make the morning cappuccino a highlight, coffee with friends a real treat, and the espresso after the meal a real pleasure.


Café with organic and locally produced ingredients


Quality and sustainability are two important words for us. We try to have as many locally produced and organic ingredients as possible. Welcome to enjoy a delicious Swedish fika in the beautiful environment in the small village Kvarsebo about 40 km outside Norrköping and close to Kolmården.


Image by Nathan Dumlao

Where are the coffee beans grown?

Our coffee beans come from Latin America and Africa. They are grown in countries such as Honduras, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Peru and Congo. Here you can read more about the coffee farmers who have grown our coffee beans.

How are the coffee beans roasted?

We roast all our coffee beans in our own coffee roastery at Qvarsebo Kaffe in Kvarsebo. We use a Diedrich IR12 coffee cheese. Learn more about coffee roasting by doing our course in coffee roasting.

Which coffee is the best one?

Our most popular coffee is Qvarsebo Blend. But whether it is the best coffee for you obviously depends on what you think is good. Do you prefer sour coffee or do you prefer sweet coffee? Do you want black coffee or is your favorite a cafe con leche? Do you brew chemex?

By buying coffee beans and grinding the coffee yourself, you have greater control over taste and fullness. Feel free to contact us and we can guide you in your choice of coffee.

The wet method

- What is washed coffee?

The coffee beans must be prepared for roasting after they have been picked. If you use the wet method, you "wash" the coffee. Water is used to process the coffee berries and prepare them for roasting. The coffee berries are washed in water to remove the surrounding mucilage, a thick and sticky substance that almost all plants and microorganisms produce.

The dry method

- What is dried coffee?

Berry-dried coffee is a special drying process. In contrast to the wet method where the coffee bean is washed in water, this dry method means that the coffee berry is dried in the sun. After drying, the berry is rinsed off and left sweet and incredibly good coffee beans.

What is organic coffee?

We are certified by SMAK to handle organic coffee beans. The range of organic coffee varies depending on the season and availability. We strive to have more organic coffee beans than non-organic ones.


Organic coffee means, among other things, that the coffee has been grown without chemical pesticides or artificial fertilizers. This means that more animals and plants live in the organic coffee plantations and contributes to greater diversity in nature.


Why does organic coffee cost a little more?

Organic coffee usually costs a few kroner extra. The increased income for the coffee farmers often contributes to higher motivation to grow sustainably. The extra kroner the coffee costs goes to a sustainable salary for coffee farmers, new investments in sustainable cultivation and an extra security in the process of growing organic coffee beans that can be more vulnerable when you do not use pesticides.


So it costs more for us to buy organic coffee. Therefore, the coffee price becomes somewhat more expensive when we sell organic coffee beans. But by investing in organic coffee, we contribute to a better world.

What is Microlot?

Microlot means that you can track the coffee bean and see from which area on the coffee farm the bean comes from. You can also see which day the coffee was picked and follow its itinerary all the way to Sweden and Kvarsebo.


Our Microlot coffee beans have SCA scores of 86+ and they are always shipped immediately after the finished process to guarantee that the coffee is fresh. We usually take home 1-2 bags (Approximately 120kg) of these so it is really first come, first served, when it is over it is over!

Buy coffee in our web shop

You will find all our beans in our web shop. You can buy coffee online and have it delivered to your home. If you buy for more than SEK 300, you get free shipping.

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